Alexeï Navalny

Navalny's Relatives Accuse Kremlin of Concealing the Truth

Relatives of Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin's foremost opponent, have still not been able to recover the body of the fierce Kremlin critic who died in an Arctic prison on Friday, February 16. They accuse Putin of concealing the truth about Navalny's cause of death. Alexei Navalny's supporters accused Russian authorities on Saturday of being ...

Alexei Navalny: The Symptomatic Assassination of an Icon

The assassination of dissident leader Alexei Navalny is no fait divers. It brings us back to picture the nightmares of the deaths of the Gulag convicts, the “banality of evil” (Banalität des Bösen) and the steadfastness of the internal opposition to Vladimir Putin. It highlights the deep-seated fears of the cynical and bloody autocrat and ...

US Announces Fresh Sanctions Against Russia Over Navalny's Death

The United States is set to unveil new sanctions against Russia on Friday in response to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in prison. This action comes as several European governments have called in Russian diplomats amidst the escalating tensions. The United States will announce fresh sanctions on Russia on Friday over the death in ...

The Crowd at Navalny's Funerals: "We Will not Forgive!"

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was laid to rest in Moscow on Friday, surrounded by crowds of defiant mourners who chanted his name and blamed authorities for his death in prison. Outside the cemetery where he was buried, some supporters shouted in grief, while others yelled out slogans against the Kremlin and its offensive in ...

Putin on Course for Another Six-Year Term

Exit polls on Sunday indicated that Vladimir Putin was on track to secure another six-year term as Russian president, potentially making him the longest-serving Russian leader in over two centuries. Vladimir Putin was headed for another six-year term as Russian president Sunday, exit polls showed, paving the way for the hardline former spy to ...